Monday, December 19, 2011

Your thoughts?

So, have you finished reading the Alchemist? What did you think? Did you like the writing style? The characters? What was your favorite part? How did the book leave you at the end? I will let you answer first and then follow up with my thoughts.

I just finished reading The Memory Palace by Mira Bartok. Jackie& Ray, you have got read this book!!! I think you can get it at the library. Just released end of 2011. Let me know if you read it.


Jackie said...

haha, this is the third time I am trying to post here.

We are still in the process of reading The Alchemist.

Ray got the book from the library and I convinced him to read to me so we could both be on the same page and he agreed but it is taking us a longer time to get through the book this way. I recently got the kindle version of the book from the library so now we are both listening to it via the audio feature on the kindle; but it is still taking awhile for us to finish the book.

So far we both like the characters and story.

Ray asks if the treasure that Sabastian is seeking will be found under a tree with an X marking the spot, or will the treasure be something more profound?

I will check the library for The Memory Palace by Mira Bartok.

purplehaze said...

What fun to listen along together. Alot less painful than reading aloud. I think the answer to Ray's question is.....well, you will find out :) Post comments when you are done. I will be waiting.

Mini Gilly said...

Jackie have you finished it yet ? It ends up in what you might find a very surprising place but the nuggets in the journey are just as as important in my opinion as the destination. A bit like the gradual refinement of a nugget of gold itself.

Jackie said...

We have finally finished reading The Alchemist. Ray was right when he guessed it would be found under a tree. But it was a surprise that it was found in a place he left and then returned to after his journey to overcome the fear of the unknown and follow his heart.

I agree with Silver Hoody that the journey was just as important as destination.

purplehaze said...

Yes,I agree, the point of the story is that it is not the treasure (accomplishments) but the journey that is the most interesting, rewarding and of the greatest value. I am glad you liked this book!